Thursday, February 6, 2025

Day 6: The Depth of Understanding in the Fear of God


Day 6: The Depth of Understanding in the Fear of God

MeditationThe Depth of Understanding in the Fear of God

Introduction: The fear of the Lord is not a cringing dread of punishment but a reverential awe that aligns the heart with divine wisdom. It is the foundational component that transforms a mere living soul into a quickening spirit, opening the gateway to understanding and the exploits of faith. Job 28:28 declares, "And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding." Understanding, therefore, is not merely intellectual but spiritual, a function of divine illumination powered by the fear of God.

The Role of the Fear of God in Spiritual Understanding: Psalm 111:10 states, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever." This confirms that understanding, the ability to perceive and apply divine principles, is directly linked to the fear of God. The living soul, corrupted by sin, operates on emotions, often generating natural, sensual, or even devilish wisdom as highlighted in James 3:13-18. However, the quickening spirit, empowered by the fear of God, operates in wisdom that is pure, peaceable, and full of mercy.

Faith and the Spirit of Understanding: At the root of the fear of God is faith, which is the substance of spiritual understanding. Hebrews 11:3 states, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God..." Faith enables the believer to see as God sees, positioning him to function in divine exploits. Bishop David Oyedepo teaches that "faith is not just believing God; it is engaging in obedience that provokes divine manifestation." True faith, birthed from a reverent fear of God, aligns us with His wisdom and enables us to operate at a supernatural level.

The Quickening Spirit vs. The Corrupted Soul: The corrupted soul, governed by emotion, is limited in its capacity to love or fear God fully. This limitation hinders the manifestation of godly wisdom. Kenneth Hagin once taught that "revelation knowledge is higher than sense knowledge." Sense knowledge, limited by earthly experiences, cannot grasp the deep things of God. However, through the quickening spirit, the believer gains access to divine insight, which is understanding.

The Transformative Power of the Fear of God: Psalm 1:2-3 describes the blessed man whose "delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night." Such a man operates under the wisdom from above, bearing fruit in due season and prospering in all he does. Kenneth Copeland emphasizes that "walking in the fear of the Lord is the gateway to divine prosperity, health, and victory." This affirms that understanding, which comes from the fear of God, is the key to kingdom exploits and dominion.

Conclusion: To grow in understanding, we must cultivate the fear of the Lord through consistent meditation on His Word, obedience, and a life of faith. Myles Munroe noted, "The greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without purpose." Purpose is discovered in the presence of God, and His presence is accessed through reverence, wisdom, and understanding.

Complementary Readings:

  • Kenneth Copeland – The Power of God's Wisdom: He emphasizes that wisdom is the principal thing, but wisdom cannot be received without a heart that fears and honors God.

  • Dr. Myles Munroe – Understanding the Kingdom: He teaches that understanding the Kingdom of God requires surrendering to divine principles, which are unlocked through meditation and reverence for God’s Word.

  • Kenneth Hagin – Growing in Revelation Knowledge: He underscores the necessity of meditating on God’s Word as the key to revelation knowledge and deepening spiritual insight.

  • Bishop David Oyedepo – Walking in the Fear of God: He highlights that the fear of God is a non-negotiable prerequisite for accessing divine secrets and supernatural understanding.

Practical Application:

  1. Cultivate the Fear of God – Live with reverence and obedience to His Word.

  2. Engage in Meditation Daily – Spend time pondering and personalizing scriptures.

  3. Pray for the Spirit of Understanding – Ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes.

  4. Seek Divine Wisdom – Read faith-building books and listen to anointed teachings.


Father in heaven, help me to fear You above all else so that my understanding may grow daily in Your presence. 

Holy Spirit, as I meditate on Your Word, open my eyes to the deep things of God. Let my heart be receptive to Your voice. Amen.

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