Monday, March 3, 2025

The Initiator of Kingdom Shift for Enthronement Part 2 | WORDSPIRED MOMENT OF IMPACT with Olukayode J Daniels


MARCH 2025 | DAY 3

The Key for Initiating Kingdom Shift for Enthronement Part 2

Faith: The Catalyst for Kingdom Shift

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing from God. When God speaks, everything aligns. Whatever God can do, faith can make happen (Mark 9:23). There is no irreversible case with faith—it can raise the dead, heal the crippled, restore the sick, and deliver the oppressed.

However, unbelief cripples faith (Mark 6:6). To see faith work, one must engage its turnaround power. Obedience is a crucial requirement for faith to be effective. Faith is fake if it lacks proofs—the only biblical proof of faith is a good report (Hebrews 11:1-2). When faith is effectively engaged, a good report is obtained. When faith comes alive, victory follows (1 John 5:4, Hebrews 10:38).

Faith operates in the present; if it is not active now, it is ineffective (Ephesians 6:16). It is a force that delivers good reports under all circumstances. Many neglect their responsibility to build faith (Jude 20, Romans 10:17). The depth of our spiritual understanding determines the strength of our faith. Faith does not grow by mere wishes or prayer alone but by deep insight. The deeper the insight, the stronger the faith.

Building and Strengthening Faith

Books are faith boosters—what you seek determines what you find. Attending services alone does not grow faith; one must dig deep into the Word. Laying on of hands does not build faith; spiritual responsibility does. The turnaround power of faith is hidden in the books and teachings we commit to. Light and insight are the master builders of faith.

Faith exists in categories:

The Measure of Faith (Romans 12:3)

Little Faith (Matthew 8:26)

eat Faith (Empowers believers for great exploits) (Matthew 8:10)

The Great Faith (Matthew 15:28)

So Great Faith (Empowers believers for great exploits) (Matthew 8:10)

The Spirit of Faith (Powerless without insight)

Learning must be continuous for faith to remain alive. The quality of your faith is determined by what you do with knowledge. Your lot is not in your luck but in your light.

Faith is an asset of inestimable value. To grow from one level of faith to another, a brighter light is required (Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38, Romans 14:22). The just shall live by faith.

Understanding Faith

Faith is obedience to God, proving belief, and committing Him to confirm His Word (James 2:18-22). Obedience perfects faith. The stronghold of faith is obedience (John 2:5).

Faith is reasoning with God in the light of His Word to discover what to do for His promises to manifest (1 Timothy 4:15, Hebrews 4:2). Faith is engaging divine reasoning through the Word.

Faith is not waiting for God to work; it is putting His Word to work to provoke His response (2 Corinthians 6:2, Philippians 2:12).

Positioning for Kingdom Shift

Opposition is inevitable, but forward momentum neutralizes distractions. Critics cannot deter those who focus on purpose. The energy required to fight back is the same energy required to move forward.

Until you stop yourself, no enemy has the capacity to stop you (Acts 24:14). Believing God's Word to the letter might make you look like a heretic, but faith-driven confidence is key to enthronement.

The Power of Faith

Faith secures the hand of God at will (Isaiah 53:1). Victory is manifested by the hand of God (Isaiah 14:24, 27). When faith comes alive, God’s hand is stretched forth and cannot be turned back.

Faith provokes divine intervention whenever needed (Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 2:5). Faith is visible to God.

Faith draws on God’s power to accomplish the impossible (Luke 8:40-48, Daniel 6:22-23). It connects us to God's omnipotence.

Faith commits God's integrity to confirm His Word (Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18, 2 Timothy 2:13, Numbers 23:19).

Keeping Faith Alive

Hear and Understand the Word of God (Acts 8:23-28). 

Understanding is the catalyst for living faith.

Connect with Light Bearers—those who look to the sun never see shadows. Testimonies boost faith.

Meditate on the Word (Psalm 119:97-100, 1 Timothy 4:15). Meditation enhances spiritual understanding.

Faith ensures that there is no lack of good reports. The key to initiating a kingdom shift for enthronement is unwavering, active faith. Let your faith come alive!

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